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Septilin is an all-natural Ayurvedic herbal complex with powerful immune stimulating properties. It’s an all-natural alternative to anti-biotic therapy. When used daily, Septilin builds up the body’s own defense mechanism through improved phagocytosis and so protects against day-to-day infections.

When taken at the first sign of symptoms, Septilin will help your body resist colds and flu. Septilin as a daily health supplement offers protection against not only these everyday infections but also clears chronic, recurrent infections even if they are sub-clinical.

Septilin is one of the most widely researched natural anti-biotics. Much of the research on Septilin has shown it to be effective in cases of rhinitis and sinusitis.

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Weight2.5 oz


Septilin is an all-natural Ayurvedic herbal complex with powerful immune stimulating properties. It’s an all-natural alternative to anti-biotic therapy. When used daily, Septilin builds up the body’s own defense mechanism through improved phagocytosis and so protects against day-to-day infections.

When taken at the first sign of symptoms, Septilin will help your body resist colds and flu. Septilin as a daily health supplement offers protection against not only these everyday infections but also clears chronic, recurrent infections even if they are sub-clinical.

Septilin is one of the most widely researched natural anti-biotics. Much of the research on Septilin has shown it to be effective in cases of rhinitis and sinusitis.

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