
I-Flora Multi-Probiotic (Copy)

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The Importance of Probiotics

We are accustomed to think that bacteria are dangerous forms of microscopic life with the potential to wipe us out. But not all bacteria are agents of darkness. Far from it, in fact. Many are absolutely vital to our health. We call this friendly bacteria “probiotics” and if we have a deficiency of them, we suffer health consequences that far exceed their microscopic size. An entire bacterial universe resides in the nooks and crannies of your gastro-intestinal landscape. There are more bacteria in your gut, than there are cells in your body. There are some 400 different species of these intestinal squatters. Individually, they number in the countless billions.

The harmful bacteria, whose names are associated with death and disease, multiply and spread their toxic influences whenever the body’s immune system is weak or whenever the army of beneficial flora is depleted. Your bacterial allies fight off the pathogens and aid the body’s defense system by producing natural antibiotics that are known to counteract harmful microorganisms. The intent of the good bacteria here is self-protection against harmful bacteria.

Colonies of friendly bacteria aid in the production of digestive enzymes and certain vitamins, which are vital to your health. However, if for some reason the balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria turns toward the bad side, you digestive tract and your immune system will suffer. The delicate bacterial balance in the intestines is readily susceptible to upset. Impure water, food poisoning or infection can unleash powerful toxic microorganisms that can overwhelm the friendly intestinal flora. The digestive juice produced in the stomach diminishes as we age leaving conditions ripe for the overgrowth of undesirable elements, such as yeast. These are common natural causes for bacterial disturbances. There are also significant man-made causes that include the use of antibiotics, chronic stress, a diet high in saturated fats and exposure to radiation.

Supplementing with a friendly flora product is often a decisive element in the overall healing strategy employed by holistic health professionals. They find it makes an important contribution to health and recovery. I-Flora is a unique product. It offers not only high quality but 16 different strains of friendly bacteria that have been scientifically proven to generate restorative and healing effects in the body. No other cultured product boasts such a broad spectrum of unique and potent cultures. If indeed you are not feeling well and you have had a course of antibiotics, been under considerable stress, or eat nutrient-poor food, a high quality probiotic formula, such as Flora Source, may be of great value to you in restoring your health.

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The Importance of Probiotics

We are accustomed to think that bacteria are dangerous forms of microscopic life with the potential to wipe us out. But not all bacteria are agents of darkness. Far from it, in fact. Many are absolutely vital to our health. We call this friendly bacteria “probiotics” and if we have a deficiency of them, we suffer health consequences that far exceed their microscopic size. An entire bacterial universe resides in the nooks and crannies of your gastro-intestinal landscape. There are more bacteria in your gut, than there are cells in your body. There are some 400 different species of these intestinal squatters. Individually, they number in the countless billions.

The harmful bacteria, whose names are associated with death and disease, multiply and spread their toxic influences whenever the body’s immune system is weak or whenever the army of beneficial flora is depleted. Your bacterial allies fight off the pathogens and aid the body’s defense system by producing natural antibiotics that are known to counteract harmful microorganisms. The intent of the good bacteria here is self-protection against harmful bacteria.

Colonies of friendly bacteria aid in the production of digestive enzymes and certain vitamins, which are vital to your health. However, if for some reason the balance between good bacteria and bad bacteria turns toward the bad side, you digestive tract and your immune system will suffer. The delicate bacterial balance in the intestines is readily susceptible to upset. Impure water, food poisoning or infection can unleash powerful toxic microorganisms that can overwhelm the friendly intestinal flora. The digestive juice produced in the stomach diminishes as we age leaving conditions ripe for the overgrowth of undesirable elements, such as yeast. These are common natural causes for bacterial disturbances. There are also significant man-made causes that include the use of antibiotics, chronic stress, a diet high in saturated fats and exposure to radiation.

Supplementing with a friendly flora product is often a decisive element in the overall healing strategy employed by holistic health professionals. They find it makes an important contribution to health and recovery. I-Flora is a unique product. It offers not only high quality but 16 different strains of friendly bacteria that have been scientifically proven to generate restorative and healing effects in the body. No other cultured product boasts such a broad spectrum of unique and potent cultures. If indeed you are not feeling well and you have had a course of antibiotics, been under considerable stress, or eat nutrient-poor food, a high quality probiotic formula, such as Flora Source, may be of great value to you in restoring your health.

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