Improper oral health can affect every body organ and even cause diabetes.

By Frank Tabino | Category: Natural Remedies, Natural supplements, Oral Health

For nearly three decades, researchers have confronted conventional thinking with hard evidence of a body/mouth connection. These pioneering scientists uncovered, what is now a scientific fact; the health of your mouth has a direct impact on your overall health and longevity.

Scientists know that what goes on in your mouth can affect every organ in your body. If bacteria cause your gums to bleed, that same bacteria have a clear path to your bloodstream and eventually anywhere in your body. In numerous studies, scientists have detected DNA remnants of oral bacteria in the atherosclerotic plaque of heart patients. However, the current research is strongly suggesting that poor oral health can contribute to the onset of type II diabetes.

If you keep your mouth healthy, you have a much better chance of maintaining your overall health as you age. If your mouth is not healthy; if you suffer from chronic inflammatory periodontal disease such as gingivitis or periodontitis, your risk for diabetes and heart disease increases dramatically. According to a recent Surgeon General’s report, more than 50% of adults show some degree of inflammatory gum disease. Advanced periodontal disease, attachment loss of 6 millimeters, was evident in 15% of adults ages 45 to 54. These statistics may be surprising, but they are expected. In a recent poll, The American Dental Association reported only 25% of those surveyed brushed their teeth after every meal.

Inflammatory gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss. It starts when bacteria remains in your mouth. This bacterium attack and destroys gum tissue. The longer bacterium stays on your gums, the greater the damage will be. Eventually, the bacterium will kill enough tissue to loosen the tooth. However, if you stop the bacteria from attacking your mouth, you will effectively prevent gum disease, preventing inflammatory gum disease will improve your overall health

In a recent study, Danish researchers investigated the effects of periodontal disease on the progression of diabetes. In this landmark study, researchers concluded that periodontal disease does contribute to the progression of diabetes. Participants with the most severe periodontal disease exhibited the fastest progress to full-blown Type 2 diabetes.

More surprisingly, the researchers found that periodontal disease will interfere with glucose metabolism, and lead to pre-diabetic conditions. The study, conducted with laboratory animals known to exhibit diabetic characteristics, is the first to assess the relationship between periodontal disease and the start of pre-diabetic symptoms.

This study showed that having any degree of periodontal disease can interfere with normal glucose metabolism, which will lead to metabolic conditions resulting in diabetes. For years, researchers have known that people with diabetes show greater incidence of periodontal diseases and usually have more severe disease. This latest research shows having periodontal disease may initiate and aggravate pre-diabetes. These findings demonstrate the importance of maintaining a healthy oral environment. In fact, this study suggests that maintaining a healthy oral environment may be an easy way to maintain healthy glucose metabolism and avoid Type 2 diabetes.

Keeping your mouth healthy and preventing or reversing gum disease requires periodic visits to a dental hygienist, and appropriate personal oral health practices. Most experts agree; the most noteworthy feature of maintaining a healthy oral environment is the care that your gums get when you are not sitting in a dental chair. The proper oral health care program can make a tremendous difference in your oral health. With the right oral health care, you can avoid gum surgery, tooth loss, or reconstructive dentistry.

Your home health care should be sufficient to prevent the progression of periodontal disease. Poor gum health is the leading cause of tooth loss, and we now know that poor gum health can lead to more severe health conditions.

The first step in improving your oral health is to assess your periodontal health. The American Academy Of Periodontology has created a risk assessment analysis to give you an idea of your oral health. Armed with this information, you can customize a home care strategy that will assure excellent oral health. The test takes only a few minutes, but it can verify your risk level for periodontal disease. You can even print your results. The information in your report can be useful when consulting with your dental professional and in structuring your home health care program.

Integrative dentist, Dr. James Harrison, has developed a seven-step oral health program, which suggests novel methods to maintain a healthy oral environment. Most oral health products use “brute force” ingredients like alcohol to “kill” bacteria in your mouth. These products and techniques have adverse long-term effects on delicate gum tissue.

Dr. Harrison’s program uses all natural ingredients that discourage the growth of bacteria, while promoting the growth healthy gum tissue. Dr. Harrison’s program treats oral bacteria like unwanted house guests. All you have to do is turn out the lights. If you make the environment uncomfortable for the house guests, they will get up and leave.

According to Dr. Harrison, the same holds true for oral bacteria. His Bio-Pro Oral Health Program contains patented herbal extracts, essential oils and nutrients like folic acid and Co Q10 that will “turn out the lights” on oral bacteria and promote the development of healthy new gum tissue.

You can get more detail on Dr. Harrison’s products by visiting our website. PerioPaste is the all-natural fluoride-free toothpaste that Dr. Harrison developed for this program. It is nonabrasive, and it contains no SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate). PerioPaste contains a patented blend of organic and wild-crafted herbs and if fortified with Co Q10.

In between brushings, Dr. Harrison recommends using PerioClear, an alcohol-free mouthwash that will freshen your mouth for hours. PerioClear mouthwash contains a blend of organic and wild-crafted herbs and if fortified with folic acid and Co Q10.

A critical part of Dr. Harrison’s oral healthcare is oral irrigation. You want bacteria out of your mouth, and there is no better way than to flush them out with an oral irrigator. Dr. Harrison believes that irrigation is the missing link in many people’s oral health care. In his experience, he has seen patients with pockets of 9mm reduced to 5mm after adding oral irrigation to their home oral health care program. Dr. Harrison suggests using the Hydrofloss Hydro/Magnetic Irrigator along with PerioScript irrigating solution. Dr. Harrison developed PerioScript for his patients with advanced periodontal disease. Put PerioScript in the reservoir of your irrigator with 10oz of water: PerioScript is all natural solution fortified with folic acid and Co Q10.

I covered this critical issue on my radio show with an interview with the integrative dentist himself, Dr. James Harrison. For those who have never heard Dr. Harrison talk, I guaranty that you are in for a real treat. Dr. Harrison is one of those pioneering researchers who suggested the body/mouth connection nearly thirty years ago. He is a master at distilling technical data into an understandable flow of information for the average listener. In the interview, Dr. Harrison discusses his seven-step program for oral health.

Keeping your mouth healthy means a lot more than just fresh breath. Science now tells us that the health of our mouth can determine our overall health and longevity.

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